WCRP Sponsoring Organizations
The WCRP Academy draws upon the expertise of WCRP sponsoring organizations in providing excellent climate science education.
World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
The WMO Global Campus is a collaborative network of institutions involved in the development and delivery of educational resources in meteorology, climatology, hydrology, and other related sciences. Built on sharing and cooperation among institutions, it strives to address global priorities and adapt to the growing requirements for learning around the world. The WMOLearn Events Calendar is an interactive tool that can be used to explore diverse types of learning opportunities.
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Open Learning platform aims to build a sustainable open knowledge network aligned with its organizational mandate, as well as to initiate activities that enhance competence and development in diverse communities. The platform, by providing e-learning resources on topics related to UNESCO's mandate, also supports collaboration between organizations, experts, and resource persons. It focuses on areas such as water resources management, disaster risk reduction, and climate change adaptation, among other science-related topics.
International Science Council (ISC)
The International Science Council is composed of a network of more than 250 scientific institutions and organizations that fundamentally perceive science as a global public good. Efforts are made to ensure that science and its benefits are universally accessible, thus promoting equity and inclusivity within the scientific community. It operates by catalyzing and convening scientific expertise and providing sound advice on issues of major concern to both science and society. Climate change is one of the key themes of the organization.