About us
World Climate Research Programme Academy
The WCRP Academy is the research training advisory and coordination arm of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP). It is the flagship activity for WCRP's mission "to develop, share, and apply climate knowledge that contributes to societal well-being," and works to equip current and future climate scientists with the knowledge and skills to tackle the world's most pressing climate research questions.
The Academy's Guiding Principles
- The Academy recognizes that now, more than ever, the world needs climate experts.
- The provision of excellent climate science training can be improved by better connecting providers and consumers of training.
- The WCRP Academy will be a hub that connects training providers and consumers, a marketplace for climate science training.
- Training opportunities to be provided are diverse, interdisciplinary, and accessible.
- The WCRP Academy will help build a global community of climate researchers at all career stages for networking, mentoring, and lifelong learning.
The Scope of the Academy's Work
- While the Academy strives to advance climate science education, it does not organize its own training programmes. Instead, it acts as a hub where training providers and recipients can be connected.
- Although the Academy strives to ensure accessibility and inclusivity of programmes listed in the catalogue, it does not directly offer financial support. Instead, the Academy can provide information about potential funders and financial grants.
- The catalogue contains events of various types. However, the Academy is neither a pathway for accessing formal tertiary or accredited qualifications nor a vehicle for advertising select universities and institutions.
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Our Team
The WCRP Academy consists of the Scientific Steering Group (SSG) and the Support Unit (SU). Seeking to be diverse, inclusive, and efficient, both teams are composed of professionals coming from different nationalities and scientific backgrounds.
WCRP Sponsoring Organizations
WCRP is co-sponsored by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), and the International Science Council (ISC). The Academy draws upon the expertise of these organizations in providing excellent climate science education.