Frequently asked questions
What is the WCRP Academy?
The WCRP Academy is the research training advisory and coordination arm of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP). It is the flagship activity for WCRP's mission "to develop, share, and apply climate knowledge that contributes to societal well-being," and works to equip current and future climate scientists with the knowledge, skills, and attributes required to tackle the world's most pressing and challenging climate research questions. The Academy is a hub that connects training providers and users of training.
Who can access the training opportunities listed in the catalogue?
Anyone can easily browse through the vast opportunities listed in the catalogue. Whether you are looking for webinars about the physical science basis of climate change or searching for workshops on capacity building and mitigation, training opportunities can be filtered according to your interest in the catalogue.
How can I access the training opportunities listed in the catalogue?
Our online catalogue showcases various climate training events and opportunities that feature diverse topics and foci. You may easily browse through this catalogue to explore different events and register for opportunities you are interested in. Each event has its own registration page and guidelines, so be sure to review all information provided.
How are the training activities quality controlled?
The Academy ensures that all training opportunities listed on the platform are of excellent quality. All events are reviewed by the Support Unit before they are published in the catalogue. You may also read the WCRP Academy Quality Guidelines here.
Are the training opportunities free?
Training activities organized by WCRP, WMO, and UNESCO are free of charge. Although the Academy strives to ensure the accessibility of our trainings, some events and activities may require fees. The catalogue provides all pertinent information related to costs and financial subsidies.
Am I required to create an account to view the training catalogue?
No. You may search the catalogue even without creating an account. Only training providers are required to sign up with the Academy before publishing events in the catalogue.
How do I become a training provider?
You may easily register as a training provider by following these steps.
Firstly, register as a training provider by providing information about the organization you are representing. After submitting the application form, the WCRP Academy will review your entry before you are permitted to upload events in the catalogue.
Secondly, upon successfully registering as a training provider, you will gain access to a user dashboard where you can manage and add events. To register an event, you must fill out the "Add an Event" form. You are encouraged to provide extensive information about your event to help training recipients get to know your opportunity better.
What do we mean by climate science?
By climate science, we refer to the quest to observe and understand the structure and dynamics, interactions and variability, coupling processes and feedback mechanisms, over time and across geographical scales, of the Earth's Climate System physical components; ocean, atmosphere, land, water, cryosphere. It also includes to observe the impact of global heating and changes in the biosphere, to employ historical and local knowledge, and to estimate future changes and communicate its findings.
What do we mean by climate scientists?
A climate scientist seeks to understand and communicate the processes responsible for climate variability and change using theory, observations, and numerical models. The activities of a climate scientist may include making predictions of the climate system, explaining the role of predictions in decision-making, and communicating research results.
What do we mean by climate science training?
Training (in our Academy context) aims to improve climate science literacy of communities who require climate information in their operational and decision-making contexts. At the end of the training, a climate scientist would ideally be able to:
- Understand and explain the essential principles of the Earth's climate system
- Have technical skills to be able to analyze and use available tools and methods, quantitatively as well as qualitatively
- Critically assess scientifically credible information about climate
- Communicate about climate and climate change with different societal groups and thus enable new applications of climate science
- Make informed and responsible decisions with regard to actions that may affect climate
- Provide expert advice to users of climate information