
10th International Climate Change: The Karst Record

The 10th International Climate Change: The Karst Record (KR10) conference involves presentations, scientific sessions, workshops, and field trips. The scientific sessions cover the following:

1. Cave mentoring and implications for paleoarchives

2. Karst Records of Climate Variability on Orbital Timescales

3. High resolution records of climate variability: millennial to seasonal scale resolution

4. Innovation and developments in the lab, field, geochemical modeling and data processing

5. Clastic cave deposits and caves as repositories for fossils, archaeology and rock art

6. Understanding climate and environmental dynamics: insights from palaeo-data and models

7. Geochronology: analytical improvements, novel approaches, and innovative age modelling

8. Science communication, public outreach, transformation/EDI, best practices for field work and cave preservation

Meanwhile, the workshops cover the following topics:

1. Breaking barriers and changing culture: Towards a more diverse and inclusive cave science community

2. Exploring Speleothem Magnetism

3. Introductory Workshop to speleothem data submission and extraction Workflows using Neotama



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