
Natural Disaster and Climate Change Risk Assessment in Infrastructure Projects

This course was designed and organized by the Inter-American Institute for Economic and Social Development (INDES) of the Inter-American Development Bank within the framework of its Operations Learning Program (OLP). Its objective is to strengthen project teams’ capacity to preemptively manage events that may affect a project so as to improve its chance of success.

The general objective of the course is to strengthen the technical capacity of professionals involved in the project cycle for decision-making in relation to the incorporation of disaster risk assessment and resilience to climate change in the design of infrastructure projects.

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  1. Identify the main elements of natural disaster risk.
  2. Recognize the importance of incorporating natural disaster risk assessment (including climate change effects) into the infrastructure project cycle.
  3. Carry out qualitative disaster-risk analyses to guide decision making in infrastructure projects.
  4. Interpret quantitative disaster-risk analyses to guide decision making in infrastructure projects.
  5. Identify when applying qualitative analyses is enough and when quantitative analyses should also be carried out to perform risk assessment in infrastructure projects.
  6. Identify technical and economic feasibility of infrastructure projects through a qualitative or quantitative analysis.
  7. Make risk-informed recommendations for the design, construction, and operation of infrastructures and develop disaster-risk-governance strategies.

Target audience: Undergraduate students, Master’s students, PhD students, Early and mid-career researchers, Civil society organizations and media, Government

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