Become a training provider
Connecting training providers and users
Recognizing that the world urgently needs climate experts, the WCRP Academy has been created to be a hub that connects training providers and users. On the side of the training providers, the Academy ensures that all featured training opportunities are of the highest quality by rigorously reviewing and selectively curating our catalogue. On the side of the training recipients, the Academy strives to increase the diversity and accessibility of the events listed.
Providing training opportunities
The Academy strives to be a hub that connects training providers with recipients. With this, you may provide training opportunities by completing two steps:
1. Register as a training provider
All users must first sign up as a training provider before contributing an event to the catalogue. This registration form will ask for details about the representative of the organization, as well as the training institution itself. Upon submitting the registration form, the WCRP Academy will first review the application before permitting the user to upload events in the catalogue.
2. Add an event
Upon successfully registering as a training provider, you will gain access to a user dashboard where you can manage and add events. To register an event, you must fill out the "Add an Event" form. You are encouraged to provide extensive information about your event to help training recipients get to know your opportunity better. The form also has write-ups that will guide you throughout the process. Once you have submitted an event, the WCRP Academy will review the training opportunity before publishing it in the catalogue.