
How to access training Opportunities

Connecting training providers and users

Recognizing that the world urgently needs climate experts, the WCRP Academy is created to be a hub that connects training providers and users. On the side of the training providers, the Academy ensures that all featured training opportunities are of the highest quality by rigorously reviewing and selectively curating our catalogue. On the side of the training recipients, the Academy strives to increase the diversity and accessibility of the events listed.

Exploring the training catalogue

Our online catalogue showcases various climate training events and opportunities that feature diverse topics and foci. Events may be explored by entering keywords or filtering the list according to category, mode of delivery, and type of training.

Events are classified into three categories, which are based on the Working Groups identified by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC): Physical Science Basis of Climate Change; Climate Change Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability; and Mitigation of Climate Change. Training resources can fall under more than one category, depending on the theme and scope of the event.

Opportunities also use different mods of delivery. Events listed as in-person can solely be accessed by attending the activity onsite. Hybrid events refer to training opportunities that can either be accessed online or in-person. An event that has any online alternatives (ex. live streams and online coursework) is listed as hybrid. Online events are purely virtual, such as webinars and online conferences. The Academy also lists various types of training opportunities such as short courses, webinars, seasonal schools, workshops, conferences, MOOCs, and others.

Charging policy

Training activities organized by WCRP, WMO, and UNESCO are free of charge. Although the Academy strives to promote the accessibility of training opportunities, some events and activities featured in its catalogue may require fees. The catalogue provides all pertinent information related to costs and financial subsidies.

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