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    • 14 Mar 2024
      14 Mar 2030

    Learning to Co-Produce (L2CP)

    University of Nairobi, Agence Nationale de l'Aviation Civile et de la Météorologie (ANACIM), Université Cheikh Anta Diop (UCAD), Kenya Meteorological Department (KMD)’s Institute of Meteorological Training and Research (IMTR), Uganda National Meteorological Agency (UNMA), IGAD Climate Predictions and Application Centre (ICPAC), Kenya Red Cross Society (KRCS), Walker Academy at the University of Reading University of Bristol Oxford University and University of Sussex UK Met Office, UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology and King’s College London TAfrican Science for Weather Information and Forecasting Techniques (SWIFT), L2CP ACMAD, Federal University of Technology, Akure (FUTA) Nigeria, UNMA, Makerere University and Uganda’s National Meteorological Training School, Université Gaston Berger (UGB)

    Learning to Co-produce (L2CP) is an on-line course designed for post-graduate meteorological students (or those engaged in studies related to meteorology, such as hydro-met and agri-met) to strengthen their engagement with decision-makers and users. The ...

    Categories: Physical Science Basis of the Climate Change, Climate Change Impacts Adaptation and Vulnerability, Mitigation of Climate Change

    • 09 Sep 2024
      11 Sep 2024

    World Symposium on Climate Literacy

    Department of Natural Sciences at Manchester Metropolitan University

    Climate change literacy is crucial as it may empower individuals and communities with the knowledge to understand the impacts of climate change, the underlying science, and the strategies needed for mitigation and adaptation. By being informed, people can ...

    Categories: Physical Science Basis of the Climate Change, Climate Change Impacts Adaptation and Vulnerability, Mitigation of Climate Change

    • 09 Sep 2024
      12 Sep 2024

    OMDP Commodore Workshop 2024


    CLIVAR-OMDP, COMMODORE, and NSF-NCAR are jointly convening a workshop to bring together the relevant communities to discuss ocean model developments, data-driven parameterizations, and machine learning in numerical ocean general circulation and climate / ...

    Categories: Physical Science Basis of the Climate Change

    • 23 Sep 2024
      25 Sep 2024

    Workshop on Improving Modelling of the AMOC

    CLIVAR AMOC Task Team

    The Workshop on Improving the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) will seek to address the problem of climate projections and predictions caused by the variety of representations of the AMOC in climate models. The goals of this workshop wil ...

    Categories: Physical Science Basis of the Climate Change

    • 30 Sep 2024
      31 Dec 2024

    Statistics for Weather and Climate Science

    Department of Meteorology, University of Reading

    In this course, you will learn statistical methods and reasoning relevant to environmental science. You'll also gain experience in the proper use of statistics for the analysis of weather and climate data. Practical classes use Python. The topics are: ...

    Categories: Physical Science Basis of the Climate Change

    • 01 Oct 2024
      11 Dec 2024

    Fundamentals of Meteorology

    Department of Meteorology, University of Reading

    This course starts with a brief description of the atmosphere, the global circulation and mid-latitude weather systems. You'll study theoretical concepts that help explain these descriptions. Then we use the theory to explain the dynamics of extratropical ...

    Categories: Physical Science Basis of the Climate Change

    • 22 Oct 2024
      24 Oct 2024

    Adaptation to Climate Change: Training for Professionals

    Lincoln Alves (INPE) and Pablo Borges (GIZ)

    Description: With the significant increase in climate-related disasters and impacts, the need for climate risk assessments and the development of adaptation plans is growing rapidly in companies, sectors, and governments. However, the provision of these s ...

    Categories: Climate Change Impacts Adaptation and Vulnerability

    • 28 Oct 2024
      01 Nov 2024

    ICR6: Sixth WCRP International Conference on Reanalysis

    World Climate Research Programme (WCRP), the Japan Meteorological Agency, ClimCORE, and the University of Tokyo

    The Sixth WCRP International Conference on Reanalysis (ICR6) will take place in Tokyo from 28 October to 1 November 2024 under initiatives from the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP), the Japan Meteorological Agency, “Climate change actions with co-c ...

    Categories: Physical Science Basis of the Climate Change

    • 29 Oct 2024
      30 Oct 2024

    Annual Conference Of The South African Society For Atmospheric Sciences

    The South African Society For Atmospheric Sciences

    The theme for the 2024 conference is "Exploring The Novel Integration of Tools To Understand Our Changing Environment", emphasising the use of interdisciplinary methods to comprehend impactful weather and climate events across scales. By ...

    Categories: Physical Science Basis of the Climate Change, Climate Change Impacts Adaptation and Vulnerability, Mitigation of Climate Change

    • 10 Nov 2024
      14 Nov 2024

    9th SOLAS Open Science Conference

    Surface Ocean–Lower Atmosphere Study (SOLAS)

    The Surface Ocean–Lower Atmosphere Study (SOLAS) is an international and interdisciplinary research project on biogeochemical-physical air-sea interactions and climate change.   With its Open Science Conference (OSC), the only regularly occurring e ...

    Categories: Physical Science Basis of the Climate Change

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